Re: (PM) Netgear RT328

Thomas Kinnen (
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:02:35 -0800 wrote:

> the customer and connects but whenever a PC on the LAN trys to access the
> Internet the broswer stops at Waiting for reply. All the PC's can ping and
> trace to every website they just can access them. I have had the customer
> FTP, using the command prompt, into our server and they connect okay.
> However, whenever they try to download anything from the FTP server the
> connection does not do anything. Also, when I went to
> and did a trace to the router everything worked fine. I, and several other
> co-workers, have looked at the configuration of the router and everything
> seems to be correct.

Sounds like a filter/firewall problem. Have you tried a ptrace to see
if the packets are actually going in and out?

Thomas C Kinnen - <> <>
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