(PM) OSPF: PM3-3.8.2 and Cisco IOS 11.3(7)???

Patrick Haller (patrick@pa.net)
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 21:49:26 +0000

I have PM3s with 3.8.2 trying to talk ospf to a 4500M with 11.3(7), and
they are all in EXSTART(have been for two days now) mode.

Far away, I have more PM3s with the same ComOS talking to a 2501 with
11.0(6), and they are fine, and so is the ospf between the 2500M and

Anyone seen anything like this?

Patrick Haller           Network Administrator   	1.717.249.7270
patrick@pa.net				   	     http://www.pa.net
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