Re: (PM) Outlook Express

Larry (
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 08:22:28 -0500

We too are having this problem with Outlook Express
and have done some checking have traced it down
to a string sequence of " 's's's" for some reason Outlook Express
will stop its down load at this point and never issue a delete message
and locks up. This will not lock up all versions of Outlook Express.
so were assuming that this has something to do with the version of windows
and what's installed on the system.
So fare we haven't found a solution to this that's much good
the only reason I'm using this Microshit stuff is most of our users are
and we need to find the bugs. Telling customs to use a different reader is
a option just cerates a lot of tech support like where do I get it, how
come I have to
pay for it, This is to hard I'm going back to AOL.
We did create a Web interface for our mail server and the ones that have
problem will go in and delete the problem message with out downloading it.

Larry L

-----Original Message-----
From: Willy <>
To: Gregory A. Carter <>;
Date: Thursday, February 18, 1999 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: (PM) Outlook Express

>>On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Craig Baird wrote:
>>(re) Obviously, that doesn't explain why it only happens to your
>user during
>>(re) peak times. I don't use OE, so I'm not very familiar with all
>>(re) settings. Is there some sort of timeout setting in OE--maybe
>>(re) peak times your mail server is not responding quickly enough,
>so OE is
>>(re) giving up???? Just a guess from an OE outsider... Have you
>>(re) your mail logs to see if he is reaching the mail server at all
>>(re) those times?
>>We've also had some problems with Outlook Express, same situation.
>>found that there is a setting in Outlook Express which will allow it
>>either try and dial it's own DUN connection, use a LAN, or use
>>Explorer or third party dialer. In almost every case when I have
>>instructed the customer to change to "Use Internet Explorer or third
>>dialer" it has solved the problem and have never had them call back
>>I'm guessing it was/is a Winblows bug causing it.
>We have also had problems with Outlook Express. It is more of a
>sporadic problem with no real solution.
>Sometimes when one of our LAN users begin using OE they find that they
>keep getting the same incoming message repeated over and over again.
>This problem is compounded by the fact that other susequent incoming
>messages begin to do the same thing. It doesn't matter that the
>messages are deleted time and time again because they just reappear
>the next time incoming messages are retrieved.
>Nothing can really be done except increase the time between reading
>incoming messages, which poses a problem since the user does receive
>urgent e-mails from time to time.
>We checked her mail server, OE setup and compared it to what the whole
>office should have. There is nothing wrong with any of these and none
>of our LAN users experience the problem.
>Any ideas on how to stop the onslaught of repeat messages?
>Willy Calderon VBCnet GB Ltd
>tel +44 117 929 1316 fax+44 117 927
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