Frank Heinzius (
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 08:57:25 +0100

Hi Chris,

On 18 Feb 99, at 0:23, Chris Edwards wrote:

> I am wanting to implement OSPF on my PM3's. Is there any thing I should
> watch out for? I am using cisco routers. I was thinking that maybe I
> would not have enough RAM and would need to upgrade but don't know. I am
> going to make the modem pools into seperate areas with summerization.
> I am looking for just a general overview and opinions from other people
> out there running it. Thanks!

The OSPF implementation works well for me. A memory upgrade is not necessary. This will
be necessary for BGP4 or OSPF, when you have a very large backbone area and thousands of
routes (but this is the point where you should use SAs or NSSAs).

Another point is how to define the assigned memory pool. Set the first address (set
assigned x.x.x.x) to an even border, also set the pool size to a subnet size (set pool
yy). The PM3 announces these routes with VLSM optimization, so non-even assigments will
make quite a bunch of strange-looking routes ;-)

The next thing I discovered is: when you use OSPF, filter rules on Ethernet interfaces
donīt work with CIDR notations (e.g. to address 4 contignuous Class-C
networks). I discovered this in comos 3.7.2, but Iīm not sure if itīs still true with

So far, so good. Ah, for those who have an PM4 and use ether1 (100BT) and OSPF, you have
to set the OSPF router id explicitly to the ether1 address. If ether0 is not used, the
PM4 would announce itself with router Id, which is not RFC compliant...

The PortMaster Routing Guide on your CD (or is an excellent point to
start with...

Kind Regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Frank M. Heinzius               MMS Communication AG             Eiffestrasse 598               20537 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 211105-40         Fax: +49 40 210 32 210
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