Re: (PM) PM4: BUG ?? Duplicate Radius Accounting records?

Dave (
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 09:33:34 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999, Matthew S. Crocker wrote:

> It also locked up 3 times last night but that is another story.

Can you give a little more detail about this? We've been having what
seems to be similar problems with our PM4. 3 times in the last two weeks,
it's stopped answering calls, wouldn't respond to SNMP or telnet, but
would respond to ICMP. On the console, we saw pages and pages of
debugging info about the backplane being reset, though I haven't seen this
data myself. I'm still waiting for it to happen when I'm around.

David Thomas <>                    (v) (713) 407-7000 x121
Network Administrator                            (f) (713) 407-7070
Insync Internet Services, Inc.                   (p) (713) 200-7857 

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