RE: (PM) Outlook Express

Bob Love (
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 03:04:56 +0300

MOST of our customers (close to 2,000) use either OE or Outlook98

MOST of them have problems, especially with very large mails.

They can surf all day long, but hit send & receive, there's a good chance of
getting disconnected. There is something extremely peculiar about MSMail in

I don't say this happens all the time (or I doubt we'd still have 2,000
customers <smile>) but often enough to be a pita for our support team. The
symptoms are too weird to contemplate. I had one customer, whenever they
received a forwarded e-mail, from a particular person, they could never
download it. Forwards from other people, no problem. Normal mail from that
person no problem.

Another customer's mailbox was guaranteed to hang, if they got a mail from a
particular mailing list (which I subscribed to myself to try to find out
what the problem was, and it hung my mailbox even on the LAN, but only 1 in
maybe 10 times).

I've given up completely trying to figure out what the problem was/is (I
went through those messages bit for bit, there was NOTHING unusual about

Basically, I don't trust MSMail - OE - Outlook.

I'm telling you all this, because I DON'T use a Portmaster at all - just NT
RAS. I joined this list because I'm in the process of upgrading to PM's.

You have my sympathy, because I think you'll be drawing a pension sooner
than you get to the bottom of this particular problem...



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