Re: (PM) Outlook Express

Craig Baird (
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 16:29:50 -0700

We had something similar happen to one of our users recently. However,
the symptoms were a little different, so I don't know if this will help

Our user had a problem getting disconnected every time she tried to get
her mail with Outlook Express. She could surf the web without a
problem, but every time she tried to get mail, it would disconnect.

As it turns out, there is a setting in Outlook Express to automatically
disconnect after sending and receiving mail. It was a simple matter of
unchecking the box, and the problem was fixed.

Obviously, that doesn't explain why it only happens to your user during
peak times. I don't use OE, so I'm not very familiar with all its
settings. Is there some sort of timeout setting in OE--maybe during
peak times your mail server is not responding quickly enough, so OE is
giving up???? Just a guess from an OE outsider... Have you checked
your mail logs to see if he is reaching the mail server at all during
those times?

Xpressweb Internet Services

> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 17:47:12 -0500 (EST)
> From: Stephen Henry <>
> To:
> Subject: (PM) Outlook Express
> This seems unusual to me, but let me describe the symtoms and maybe
> someone can comment:
> I have a user (commercial programmer, generally knows what he's doing) who
> accesses his account on our system primarily for e-mail.
> We are running a PM3 with Lucent RADIUS on a UNIX box running BSDi.
> Nothing unusual about our setup and it's been working generally without a
> flaw for the past 10 months or so. All 46 lines are active on the PM3.
> Our user has been using the system for about three months without problem.
> Now, of a sudden, he finds Outlook Express fails to transfer mail (just
> stops and/or drops him off line) if and only if he calls during busy
> times.
> If he calls during non-peak times, he gets his mail. If he calls via other
> ISP and comes in via the 'net, even during peak times, he gets his mail.
> Others calling during peak times using Pegasus Mail (our recommended
> program) get their mail without trouble. We've stopped supporting Outlook
> Express because of other problems continually, so this looks like the
> problem here, but the user needs, for other reasons, to use OE.
> Since it works all times but peak loads, it looks like a PM3 issue. Does
> anyone know of a loading problem on the PM3? Is there anything changing
> with all 46 lines active that would not be the same with, say, 30 or less?
> This customer is important to me and I'd like to keep him. I've suggested
> changing to Pegasus but he declines. What am I missing in the PM3 that
> could be causing this? Anyone experience anything like this?
> Steve.
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