(PM) PM2e w/USR MP/16...

Schneider, Mike (Schneidm@enh.org)
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 10:32:05 -0600

Sorry to drag everyone back to old stuff...

I have unfortunately inherited a PM2E w/3.7.2 (Y2K?) with 20 ports, some
to external single USR Courier v.34/X2 and the last 9 lines to 9 modems in a
USR MP/16. Code on the MP seems up to date, but we're having trouble with
erratic connect rates (9600-19200, 21600 on a good modem day...) All traffic
is inbound, serving up IP and/or IPX, based upon user account configuration.
Some users also reporting being dropped chronically, although I myself have
never experienced this symptom.

Connections on the externals tend to be more stable and consistent than
connections via the MP. All these phone lines come off our Meridian Phone
Switch (from a T1), and we've replaced the switch card for a brand new one
recently with no improvement in performance.

There is some concern that the wiring from the Demarc to the modems
may be suspect (old building), and since it was thrown somewhat quickly
(haphazardly) and induction may be an issue. I am having our telco
vendor replace the physical cabling on the off chance...

Any other ideas (scratch, scratch...)?

                                 (o o) 
Michael Schneider                                      ICQ UIN: 1029767 
McKessonHBOC / Evanston Hospital                        Network Analyst 
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