Re: (PM) PM3 glitches

Jeff Haas (
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 10:58:15 -0500

On Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 10:26:22AM -0800, wrote:
> the csu in these is incredibly lame. We're having a prob with 1 where
> telco swears all is well, we see yellow alarm and frame slips, but the
> csu gives no other info or troubleshooting methods. I'd like to be ablr
> to run several loop types, watching for errors on each.

Yes, it is quite lame. If your POP is large enough, invest in a scope
that can test the lines.

If you can convince your telco to be nice and exercise the lines and
channels for you, then set the interface on the PM3 in loopback mode.
If you're concerned the problem may be before the PM, either set
your smartjack equivalent to loopback (if you have access), or build
a T1 loopback connector. Looking in my jar of loopback connectors, I see:

|||||||| (1-4, 2-5)
|+ |+
|| ||
| |

> Bri

Jeffrey Haas -+- -+- 
/\/\sen, Inc. "Michigan's Best Run Internet Service Provider."
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