(PM) 3Com-Megahertz 56k Global PC Card Modem

Floyd Pierce (floydp@boxusa.com)
Sun, 14 Feb 1999 08:33:31 -0600

Whew! Just getting the name down was frustrating...


Host PM3 ComOS 3.8.2

Client Linux laptop with Global PC Card Modem.

I've tried all the normal stuff, commas, S34=32, S34=34, &N26 (plus plenty
of other &N's).

It's my laptop and I can also putz with the PM3 most anytime, so I have
spent a few hours messing at this.

I cannot get any kind of reliable connection with this thing. If I get a
high connect rate, I'll end up with 1 Ng per minute. Most times I get the
initial infinite negotiate until timeout. Short of forcing it to connectt
at 9600 baud, does anyone have any ideas? BTW the modem is flashed up to
the most recent I can find. We also use Couriers and the renegotiate numbers
are usually amazing. Is the PM3 code just anti-(3com&&Megahertz&&USR)?

Any thoughts would be appreciated....

Floyd Pierce                   |Manager I/T Marketing & Development
                               |Box USA
Phone  914-749-3289            |floydp@boxusa.com
Fax    817-315-1414            |floydp@imagin.net

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