(PM) Re: ISDN Router suggestions (fwd)

Chris Adams (cadams@ro.com)
12 Feb 1999 15:06:07 -0600

Once upon a time, MegaZone <megazone@megazone.org> said:
>Once upon a time Chris Adams shaped the electrons to say...
>>I love my Lucent PM3s, but Lucent doesn't have anything _today_ that can
>>touch a NetGear RT328 or a Pacesetter Pro (of one model or another). I
>>hope they do at some point.
>That really depends on what you want/need. NAT seems to be the big
>issue, and you're right, without the (closed) beta code the OR doesn't
>play that. But other products don't do RADIUS, OSPF, etc.

The Pacesetter Pro does RADIUS too. It doesn't do OSPF (it does do
RIP2, which Lucent doesn't do). The Pacesetter Pro also has static
mappings for incoming connections when doing NAT, and can also be a DHCP
relay or DHCP server.

Chris Adams - cadams@ro.com
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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