(PM) PM4: BUG ?? Duplicate Radius Accounting records? (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:23:44 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Matthew S. Crocker shaped the electrons to say...
> Everyone out there with a PM4 can you verify something for me? We
>appear to be getting duplicate session_id's from the PM4 with different

Beware, session ID is NOT unique. It never has been, never will be. It
was not meant as a globablly unique identifier. This is an ancient thread
topic that hasn't surfaced in a while.

To be unique you should combine a few fields - This combination should be

For more assuredness, add username. Probably a good idea on a PM-4.

>session_id and it is getting corrupt. The 4 PM-3 and 3 PM-2 we have don't
>have a problem with the data. Only the PM-4.

It is possible, and it has happened, that PM-2/3s have generated the same
Session-Id. Keep in mind that the first two fields increment with each boot,
the others count ascending per login. If you had two systems both booted
for the first time ever, they'd generate the same session-id for their first
sessions. I believe it would be 00000001.

If I recall the 'reboot' field will go from 00-FF, then roll back to 00.
Which gives you a fair number of reboots - but after 256 reboots it will
generate the same Session-IDs all over again.

Remember that a PM-4 uses distributed processing - Session-Ids are generated
by each *blade*. You probably have 2 (or more) blades generating the same
ID numbers.


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