(PM) 3.8.2(?) problem...

Mark Halsall (mark@hcca.ohio.gov)
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 12:05:11 -0500

Has anyone seen problems where users were happily dialling in,
connecting, and leaving footprints all over the Internet, but then couldn't
even access their homepage?
Here's what's going on:
User dials in, gets connected. Their browser gets launched, tries to go
to their homepage. Browser comes back with a message that it couldn't
connect to the site. I dialled in using thier account, got the homepage no
problem. They claim to have touched none of the settings, and that it just
suddenly stopped working. The Portmaster in question was up and running
3.8.2 for 35 days before a rash of these calls came in. I rebooted it, with
no change. show line0|1 shows absolutely clean lines. Routing tables look
the same, too. On the user's PeeCee, winipcfg shows that they are getting
all the info that they need to connect. I've looked at everything that I
can think of, and have been unable to even reproduce the problem.
The one other thing that I've noticed with the box is that even after
rebooting, I can't get into it anymore with PMVision. The username and
password are correct, I've reset all connections at and around port 1643,
but when I try connecting, the process freezes. I can connect to our other
PM3 without a problem.
I'm out of ideas. Anyone want to take a stab at it before I talk to
Lucent tech support?
Thanks for your time,

Mark Halsall                            mark@hcca.ohio.gov
Internet Specialist, Hamilton/Clermont Cooperative Association
                   (513) 931-7120, x20
Personal email should go to <mailto:mhalsall@io.com>.

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