Re: (PM) Re: PPPSmartAgent 1.0b5 available for open-beta

Chris Parker (
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:15:47 -0600

At 11:13 AM 2/11/99 -0500, Philip Kish wrote:
>There seems to be a problem using this with the PM4. When I double click on
>the PortMaster to select the slots it will not let me click OK. Am I doing
>something wrong?

Read the release notes. It doesn't work with the PM-4 yet.


   \\\|||///  \  Chris Parker         \  Systems and Network Engineering
   \ ~   ~ /   \    StarNet, Inc.      \  
   | @   @ |    \     (847)963-0116     \ 
   TANSTAAFL      \ Wholesale Internet Services -

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