(PM) Line Error LEDs

Norris Sydnor (nsydnor@capcity.com)
Wed, 10 Feb 1999 22:03:05 -0500

I just noticed that the red LEDs are on for each of our lines into the PM3
(Line0 and Line1). I did a check and the lines did get some errors in the
past but not currently showing errors.

Do these lights go out after a period of no errors or do I have to restart
the unit to clear the red LEDs. The green one above it stays on like
normal. However, I think the Red LED should go out if there are no errors.

Is this a bug?

I am running PM3 w/ComOS 3.8.2 I called in to Lucent Support and she said
don't worry about it since it it not currently taking errors and everything
seems to be ok at this time. However, the Red LEDs stay on.

Anyone care to comment?

Best Regards,

Norris Sydnor
Capital City Internet
Washington D.C. and Baltimore's Internet Success Provider
1-888-249-0027 (24/7)
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