(PM) Unknown term type

KarynWilliams (karyn@calarts.edu)
Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:33:28 -0800

ComOS 3.7

I am trying to setup a profile for users to telnet to one of our hosts
(IRIX 5.3) from a terminal program to use pine. I am able to connect and
login to the host, but when it runs .login (csh) the term type is set to

We currently have a Xylogics Annex 2000, and when I dial-up thru it, the
term type is set to dialup. I am not sure what provides this info to the
shell, or how to fix it. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the .login

if (! $?ENVONLY) then
# Set the interrupt character to Ctrl-c and do clean backspacing.
if (-t 0) then
stty intr '^C' echoe

# Set the TERM environment variable
eval `tset -s -Q`

# Set the TERM variable to vt100 if dialing through modem connection
if ($TERM == "dialup") then
setenv TERM "vt100"

# Set the default X server.
if ($?DISPLAY == 0) then
if ($?REMOTEHOST) then
setenv DISPLAY :0

Below is the radius user entry for this user

# Profile to login to host for users that don't have ppp.
host Auth-Type = Local, Password = "password"
Service-Type = Login-User,
Login-Service = Telnet,
Login-IP-Host = XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX,
Login-TCP-Port = 23,
Session-Timeout = 7200
Idle-Timeout = 1200

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