(PM) PPP connection error

Anthony Cacciola (anthony@webmail.com.au)
Wed, 10 Feb 1999 21:49:26 +1100

Hi All,

We upgraded our PM3 to 3.8.2 and it failed so we reupgraded it sucessfully.
However ever since then our customers have had intermittent problems
establishing a PPP connection. The modems are fine, but when their PC tries
to establish a network connection it times out

Any suggestions?
Could the partion be corrupted from the failed install.

Anthony Cacciola,
Webmail Internet Solutions - Sydney, Australia.
Anthony@webmail.com.au www.webmail.com.au ICQ: 12684601
Tel: 1300-651-006 Fax: 61-2-9553-6363 Mobile: 0417 043 571

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