Re: (PM) arg.. >8 char usernames

Ed Seiler (
Sun, 7 Feb 1999 18:28:30 -0800

I have used BSDI 3.0-1 for over 2 years and have NEVER had a
single outage that can't be attributed to user (as in me) error. The longest
time the server was out was for 2 hour when an ethernet card died. Always
came back up after a power failure (got UPS's now). Never lost a single
piece of mail. RADIUS has never died (3 or 4 updates).

Just my 2 cents

RCIA <<Relatively Cheap Internet Access>>
Redmond, WA

>On Wednesday February 3, 1999, I don't work for Lucent RABU
> had this to say about "Re: (PM) arg.. >8 char usernames":
>> >
>> > I *strongly* suggest BSDI for reasons too plentiful to list here.
>> > It's basically an out-of-the-box ISP platform. You can be online
>> > providing all of the common services in about an hour. If you can
>> > afford to pay for UNIX, this is the way to go.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > If you absolutely cannot afford to pay for anything, a lot of folks
>> > seem to like FreeBSD.
>I used to pay the $$ for BSDi, and indeed it's a great out-of-the-box
Internet product.
>I've been using FreeBSD for several years however, and find that it does
110% of what BSDi
>does...just takes a little more work and tinkering. So money isn't the
only has
>more to do with how much effort you want to put into it to make it "rock"
>> I believe the 3.x builds of FreeBSD have greater than 8 character
>> usernames, if I remember reading on another list, with the 2.x builds
>> limited to 8 chars.
>I've been using >8 character usernames since FreeBSD's been a
simple case of
>changing one line in /usr/src/include/utmp.h and /usr/src/sys/sys/param.h
and recompiling
>the operating system. Back then, when I was using some Pentium-75's as
>took nearly 12 hours to compile the system. This week, building
2.2.8-stable on a Pentium
>400 took 4 hours :) Going beyond 16 character usernames in FreeBSD 2.X
does cause
>problems, though.
>> However, there are a few other issues to consider like compatability
>> etc... personally I LOVE BSDi, but I'll be playing with Linux and *BSD
>> also for things like ipfwadm...
>As I saw in some other posting somewhere, use OpenBSD for a firewall,
FreeBSD for a
>webserver, and NetBSD on your Alpha/Sparcs. Who needs Linux :) :) :)
>(The above was just a joke folks)
>> And to keep topical, LRABU has been quite good in compiling for BSDi and
>> providing binaries of their utilities. 8( too bad the JRE for the BSDi
>> seems to be a pain.
>And the BSDi binaries work fine for FreeBSD :)
>Seriously though, to answer the original question, the easiest thing to do
at this point is
>use Radius for the >8 character usernames
>> --
>> Aloha from Paradise,
>> Sherwood
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