(PM) arg.. >8 char usernames

jon-lists (jonlist@flanet.com)
Wed, 03 Feb 1999 14:49:40 -0500

portmaster-radius list seems to be having problems, so I hope you dont mind
me posting it here....

I've just slapped together a linux box using the slackware dist., came with
kernel 2.0.30. Is there a way I can modify it to allow >8 character
usernames. I've tried grabbing the latest shadow password suite and
installing that, but useradd gripes about the username if it's >8 chars.
I've tried manually adding users but then telnetting in doesn't work for
that user. I have an older box that is allowing >8 char usernames with no
problem, but I can't for the life of me figure out what I did to it. :(
Even if the radius authentication works, I still need telnet to work for
these particular accounts. I figure theres a shadow suite with support for
doublesize usernames and passwords out there somewhere.. I can't find it

Should I waste my time grabbing the latest slackware distribution? Should I
redo this completely with a different choice (i.e. FreeBSD?)

Any tips would be greatly appreciated..

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