Re: (PM) Yellow Alarm problems on Line1 of PM-3

Thomas Kinnen (
Thu, 04 Feb 1999 20:41:05 -0800

"Thomas M. Bridge" wrote:
> We recently installed a new Channelized T-1 to one of our PM-3's. It has
> not worked since installation, and continues to show a Yellow alarm. I have
> checked and rechecked the wiring, and the phone company (US West) that the
> T-1 checks out without any problems. Below is the listing on the line. Any
> ideas where I should look next?


Blue--Unframed all ones (1s) signal.

Yellow--D4 bit2, D4 12th F-bit, or extended superframe (ESF) mode (framing)

Receive Carrier Loss--Loss of carrier signal.

Loss of Sync--Device loss of synchronization signal.

Check with settings of the line and have the telco check the switch and not
the paperwork.

Thomas C Kinnen - <> <>
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