Re: EOL products (was Re: (PM) How old are you now?) (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 15:01:35 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time I don't work for Lucent RABU shaped the electrons to say...
>The take is that they said they were promised 4000-5000 attendees. I

I highly, highly doubt that. I'm on the ISP/C BoD, as is Jon Mann of
Lucent RABU, and I never heard anything outside of ~300-500 discussed for
a new conference. Sure, we'd *love* to *grow* like that, but expecting
4-5K attendees *first year* would be crazy.

>that magnitude. Somewhere around 300-400 (I don't remember the counts)
>were there, thus it wasn't justified for the expense they had made to

Lucent was very kind for the first year, coming asa Platinum level
sponsor. Livingston was, I believe, the first ISP/C vendor member. Which
is why I'm upset that Lucent RABU apparenly is not participating in an
official capacity in ISPF 2.

>*shrug* I'd still like to push them to have a simple presence. Again,

There is a month left, and it is in San Diego - not a long trip from
Pleasanton. If people want Lucent RABU at ISPF 2 - *let them know now!*


-=*X GOT CLUE? ISPF II - SAN DIEGO, CA 3/6-10 <URL:> X*=-
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