RE: (PM) Re: PM2 production

John Gonzalez/netMDC admin (
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 14:20:52 -0700 (MST)

On Wed, 3 Feb 1999 wrote:
-| You mean the platform that I have almost 30 cities running on- (just added a
-| new city)
-| The one we were considering buying BRI cards for- (USW finally is offering
-| ISDN in New Mexico albeit at a high rates)
-| Which was my purpose for joining this list- (Wanted to see others comments)

Do you plan to support ISDN off the PM2's? If so, there are alot of
features that it cannot handle that most users will want. (the pm3
however, can)

If you dont plan to support ISDN off the PM2, then it is still cheaper
(even at business rates on POTS lines) to feed your modems with POTS
instead of BRI's (in nm that is)

-| They were discontinuing the line... Well I'm glad I finally joined the list.
-| For little towns like Hobbs, New Mexico I only have need for less than half
-| a T1 of modem lines. Definitely not cost effective for a PM3 with trunked
-| service in New Mexico. The same With BRI service compared to PRI service.
-| I can put BRI #'s on a rotor until I have enough usage to justify a PRI.

Sure, you can do this with POTS still too. I'm wondering (since your in
new mexico) what all this hoopla about feeding BRI's into the PM2 is
about. You have to remember that the PM2 cant take ANY type of telco input
by itself. It's up to you what you hook up to it (isdn modems, v.34, 1200
baud, whatever) and how you feed those devices.

-| They had a great upgrade path, without cutting out the low end market.'
-| Sorry for my ranting

I know what you mean about not wanting to purchase PM3s to support a
handful of customers. We still run some PM2E-30's and some PM2-25's with
_great_ success. We also have gone with the pm3 in order to accmodate the
digital market (at a much higher cost) -- but i fail to see what you are
ranting about? Lucent does not limit you feeding BRI's into the PM2
anymore now then they ever have in the past???

_ __ _____ __ _________
______________ /_______ ___ ____ /______ John Gonzalez/Net.Tech
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