Re: (PM) Session time out warning

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Wed, 3 Feb 99 15:00:05 -0600

Jack Beech - President said:

>Why??? More than likely so your users dont just think they get more random
>disconnects than they already do.. You have got to be kidding with your
>reply of "why".
nope, I'm not kidding... My reply of "Why?" asks the question, why
indicate to your users that it near time to log off and log on again to
eat up another 8hours session. We explicitly explain to our users both
on the web and in their Terms and Conditions agreement just what a
Session Timeout is. We set a 7 hour session limit and it does not take a
rocket scientist to determine that if I get disconnected every 7 hours,
there must be a pattern. Even with a 25 minute idle time it is easy to
explain to a user that it is not a random disconnect. Now if it happens
outside of these parameters, then there is a problem some where.


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