(PM) Re: Harmony modem

Stephen Johnson (srjohnson@integrityonline19.com)
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 14:52:36 -0600

From: Thomas Kinnen <tkinnen@livingston.com>
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 09:39:18 -0800
Subject: Re: (PM) Harmony modem
Stephen Johnson wrote:
> When I tried dialing in with HyperTerminal it just put out garbage on the
> screen, no login prompt. What does this mean?

> Line noise for some reason. Hove you tried limiting the max connect
> rate?

Yes, I did try this. (In the Windows modem properties?)

> Also dropping the DTE rate may help.

With a modem command? I think I did try this.
All the other settings seemed to be normal, i.e. hardware handshaking.

Also, he connects fine to other services but not our Portmaster 3, unless I
disable KFlex.


- ----
Thomas C Kinnen - <tkinnen@livingston.com> <tkinnen@ra.lucent.com>

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