Re: (PM) New PM user Q. What do you think of the PM? (fwd)

Emmett Lewis (
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 20:12:00 -0600 (CST)

A T3 is nothing for the phone company. Most likely they will have an
OC12, maybe OC48. The only ones who are limited is the cable company, the
best they can do (guessing) is a T3 and this will slow as customers
are added.

This bandwidth can be delivered. The other question. How do we get into
this game? (for less than a million bucks). Ever price an OC12?

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On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Tom Muchmore shaped the electrons to say...
> >SWB recently announced ADSL for $39.00 a month and ADSL with full internet
> >access for $49.00 a month. Course it has to go through FCC etc. I think but
> >they hope to offer it this quarter in some of the larger cities in their
> >area. Plans for over 200 COs in 1999 if I remember correctly.
> >Could cause some interesting situations for many of us. Hard to offer that
> >kind of bandwidth for $10.00 a month.
> Of course, it is oversold to hell and back. Just like GTE's ADSL/frame
> stuff. I mean, *seriously*, orders-of-magnitude, oversold. Do you think
> that for every 28 ADSL users they have a T3? It is probably more like
> 2800 ADSL users hauled over a T3. Yes, the last mile is fast. But that's
> like having an expressway into your garage - fed by a dirt trail. If
> they're smart they'll be using caching at the head end to reduce some of
> that. The first people to sign on will be blown away, but if they actually
> manage to sell a lot - things will slow way down.
> -MZ
> --
> <> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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