Re: (PM) An issue with 3.8.2 after 21 days?

jon-lists (
Mon, 01 Feb 1999 18:30:04 -0500

It stopped giving clients a network connection. I didn't go into it very
far, but it appeared that PPP started not working for X number of ports
after a few days (nowhere near 21 days... maybe 4).. as soon as I reflashed
3.8 into it the problem went away. I would just start seeing less ports in
use for that specific time of day. The kicker was when a customer called
having trouble, I had him try to connect 5 times in a row, then I rebooted
and told him to try again and he got in no problem. Couple days later it
started up again. This time I just reflashed 3.8 in there and rebooted and
everything has been fine since. (month I would bargain)

It's really a shame, since the 3.8.2 modem code appeared to be quite a bit
better, I noticed some better connection rates in the early times after

memory usage looked normal when it started flaking out. I don't have a clue
what the problem was, I had an idea of SNMP, but someone else had SNMP
enabled and wasn't having a problem, if I remember correctly. *shrug*

At 05:05 PM 2/1/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Someone had mentioned that they had trouble with 3.8.2 after 21 days of use.
>Could that person, or anyone else experiencing this PLEASE email me what the
>symptoms were?

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