(PM) Re: Muxed lines connecting at 45,333 and beyond?

Ed Schulz (edschulz@lucent.com)
Mon, 01 Feb 1999 11:22:40 -0500

>From: "Mia's Virtual Post Office" <list@mia.net>
>Date: Sun, 31 Jan 99 23:59:15 -0600
>Subject: (PM) Muxed lines connecting at 45,333 and beyond?
>I have lost all faith in just about everything after tonight. The
>location in which we run our ISP is and always has been behind a SLC and
>the phone lines are thus muxed. A funny thing happened tonight though.
>I was setting up a new RADIUS server and logged in with my iMac just for
>kicks. I have called into our system before on this same line (a centrex
>system no less) and have always gotten 26.4 connects. But what to my
>surprise, I connected at 45,333 and 48000 every time I dialed in. What
>could be going wrong, I mean right? Why on earth would a muxed line that
>has been this way since God knows when, all of a sudden get kFlex and
>V.90 connects? I am baffled.

If your SLC is integrated, with the digital carrier running straight to the
telco switch, then V.90 should work fine. It is only universal SLC, with a
central office terminal multiplexing analog interfaces from the switch,
that is death to V.90.

Perhaps you only ever tested early, buggy V.90 implementations that could
not detect and compensate for the combination of digital pad and robbed-bit
signaling that your SLC presents. Perhaps your universal SLC got
integrated overnight (seems unlikely).

Ed Schulz
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