Re: (PM) PM3 RFE Idea....

John Vozza (
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 10:25:59 -0500 (EST)

Let me clarify this a bit....

I'm not looking to prevent someone from logging in if they are using a
service that they are not paying for. (That can be done in many radiusd's

Customer logs in with a 52,000 but gets frequent disconnects. Limiting
their connect speed to 48,000 makes the disconnects disappear. Would be
nice to use the "intelligence" of the PM3's DSP's to make the needed
adjustments to silently move the client to the lower speed. I do realize
that this is less then trivial to implement which is why I was looking for
feedback on what the industry thinks.

Many customers are just unable/unwilling to add the needed strings on
their side and this "feature" might help us all get through the growing
pains of 56K technology. I have heard of requests to disable protocols via
a setting on the PM3's but why penalize all users when we could tweak only
those that need the help.

NetRom Internet Services 973-208-1339 voice 973-208-0942 fax

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