(PM) Re: your mail

Jay Hennigan (jay@west.net)
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 20:04:02 -0800 (PST)

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On Mon, 23 Nov 1998, Keff R. Edwards wrote, in hideous HTML:

> I changed my password on my portmaster, using PMVision. The java app.
> locked up when I clicked save then OK. The password obveously got corupted
> before going in because what I typed in does not work. What can I do now?
> Can I get in through the console port to change the password?
> Keff Edwards

Yes, but...

You need to do this with Livingscent on the phone, or by e-mail to their
support group.

See the gory details at:


And please lose the HTML in e-mail. It's truly ugly.

-- Jay Hennigan jay@west.net 805-884-6323 --
WestNet: Internet service to Santa Barbara, Ventura and the world.

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