Re: HCF modems no go against Livingston was Re: (PM) Fast
Sat, 21 Nov 1998 04:44:32 GMT

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998 17:38:04 -0500, in sentex.lists.livingston you

>>Yeah... Sad to say, the same result against a Cisco 5200. I really dont
>>think its the telco since our competitors are off the same switch. There
>>is only one CO in our small city :-(
>>I *REALLY* hope this is being addressed in the next ComOS, and that its
>>coming out VERY soon. Whether or not these are crappy modems, the fact
>>is that we are losing customers to our competitors because they are not
>>using PM3s and these modems work well enough against Ascends and Ciscos...
>> ---Mike
>And they seem to work well against PM3's here...

Thats great to hear... Here, they do not, at least with PRIs against
a DMS 100 and running ComOS 3.8.
---------------------- line0 - T1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM:

Receive Level: +2dB to -7.5dB

Alarms Violations
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Blue 0 Bipolar 0
Yellow 0 CRC Errors 0
Receive Carrier Loss 0 Multiframe Sync 0
Loss of Sync 0

clorine> ver
Livingston PortMaster PM-3 ComOS 3.8
System uptime is 24 days 23 hours 19 minutes

Sometimes they stay connected only 5min before dropping, sometimes
upto an hour or two... Almost always with lots of
retrains/renegotiations. This was tested on several different lines
and locations to the same CO in town. My Zoom external running K.Flex
(from my location at home anyways) stays connected indefinitly...
Almost NO renegotiations/retrains. In short, its performance is
stellar. The same Zoom running the v.90 code drops connections (same
cause codes as the other v.90s - User Request - Call Circuit Closed).
Same thing with a Motorola Modem Surfer upgraded to V.90-- same thing
with all HCF modems we have tested running v.90. But the Flex code
works really well using the same line conditions.

ANY of the HCF modems, and no, not just the compaq modems --Acer PCI,
Supra etc. all perform equally as poorly as the other v.90 modems I
have tried. So far the only v.90 that has performed OK has been the
various 3com modems once they are forced to connect at reasonable

When you say _seem_ to work well, have you really tested them ? Try
using one for 8 or 9hrs working remotely on a few telnet consoles... I
have a bad feeling you will see what I mean. :-(

For me switching my modems at home is no big deal. Flashing a modem
is trivial... For 7,000 customers of varying degrees of technical
knowledge... I dont think so.

Mike Tancsa (
Sentex Communications Corp,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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