Re: HCF modems no go against Livingston was Re: (PM) Fast connects, slow ping times??

Patrick Evans (
Sat, 21 Nov 1998 02:50:54 +0000 (GMT)

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, I don't work for Lucent RABU wrote:

> Do you really want to get into a flame war with me?
Thankyou Robert DeNiro

> Note: I'm still pissed at USR/3com sportsters, but I'd rather move ahead
> and get other customers that'll work. Heck, if a user can't get decent
> connections with our system after working with us to try to fix it, I'll
> gladly recommend other local ISPs.
USRs that still don't work even with the latest firmware and two

It's people with unbranded rockwell-chipped modems that are getting on
my nerves...they buy a cheapy-cheapy modem and then whine at me when
they have trouble finding the latest firmware.

And then there's SLIP...

Patrick Evans - Sysadmin, code grinder and caffeine addict
pre at pre dot org                     www dot pre dot org
You're not entitled to any opinion, neither is my employer

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