(PM) Power Light Hack

Bud Bennett (bennetb@mail.cadvision.com)
Fri, 20 Nov 1998 17:29:29 -0700

Somebody wanted to know a way how they could tell if a PM3 was turned on
just by looking at the front.

A small hack would be:

1. Buy a DB-25 Connector.
2. Solder a red wire to pin 20 (DTR) and solder a black wire to pin 1 (Ground)
3. Run the wires along the bottom of the PM3 until they stick out the front.
(Make sure the wires are insulated!)
4. Use a little duct tape to keep the wires stuck to the bottom of the chassis
5. Solder a 470 Ohm Resistor in series with the black wire.
6. Buy a cheap Red LED light from Radio Shack.
7. Solder the Anode of the LED to the Red Wire and the Cathode to the
8. Use lots of electrical tape to cover the exposed wiring. (Make sure none
of the wires are shorted or can short together!)
9. Plug the connector in and the LED should light. If it doesn't, reverse the
connections on the LED light.
10. If you did everything right, the LED will stay on as long as DTR is logic
high. Since it's an RS-232 port, DTR should stay high all the time.

Now, I don't endorse this, but it's a hack if you need it done. A breakout
box will also work if you duct tape a serial cable underneath the chassis. :)

Anyone correct me if you think this could be done in a better way!

Bud Bennett CADVision Development Corporation
bennetb@cadvision.com Suite 1810, 300 5th Avenue S.W.
Technical Operations, Modem Technologist Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 3C4
Phone: (403)777-1300 Fax: (403)777-1319
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