Re: HCF modems no go against Livingston was Re: (PM) Fast connects, slow ping times??

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Fri, 20 Nov 98 16:56:38 -0600

Jeff Barger said

>>Yeah... Sad to say, the same result against a Cisco 5200. I really dont
>>think its the telco since our competitors are off the same switch. There
>>is only one CO in our small city :-(
>>I *REALLY* hope this is being addressed in the next ComOS, and that its
>>coming out VERY soon. Whether or not these are crappy modems, the fact
>>is that we are losing customers to our competitors because they are not
>>using PM3s and these modems work well enough against Ascends and Ciscos...
>> ---Mike
>And they seem to work well against PM3's here...
I for one can tell you that we are not losing customers over this.
Compaq is losing the customers. We tell our users to take their Compaq
back and get a different system. Also we suggest that if this is not
possible that they buy a different modem. Also, we have them go to this
address to file a complaint in the Class Action Law Suit against Compaq
that goes to trial the end of this month!


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