Re: HCF modems no go against Livingston was Re: (PM) Fast connects, slow ping times??

Craig Baird (
Fri, 20 Nov 1998 16:40:51 -0700

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, Jeff Barger wrote:

> And they seem to work well against PM3's here...
> -Jeff Barger

They work fine here also...except the ping times. I actually bought a
SupraMAX 56k HCF modem when we first got our PM3 a couple of months ago.
At the time I ordered it, I didn't have a clue it was one of the winmodem
breed. I installed it, and had trouble initially, but after downloading
the latest V.90 driver from Supra's website, it ran pretty well. I was
getting between 42 and 49.3 connects. It seemed to work great on the web
as well. I don't do any online gaming, though, so it didn't even occur to
me to check the ping times. It wasn't until one of my online gamers who,
also has a SupraMAX, brought the ping issue to my attention that I started
wondering. Even pings to *my* server were taking around 200 ms. I've now
swapped the thing out for a Sportster that works great--pings my server in
the 20 ms range!

While I'm starting to become convinced that this is a problem with the
Portmasters (since connecting to Cisco/Ascend stuff with these modems
doesn't show the same problem), I'm not convinced that it's a ComOS
3.8-only issue. I have two PM25's with ComOS 3.7.2 that aren't much
better--the ping times seem to be around 20 ms lower than on the PM3, but
they're still high--in the 300-400 ms range to a quake server that's only a
couple of hops away. Using the 3COM, it pings at around 80 ms. Oh well,
I've advised all my customers to avoid Winmodems/HCF modems like the
plauge, so hopefully they'll listen.

Craig Baird
Xpressweb Internet Services

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