Re: (PM) Dial in NOT PPP not working on a PM3

Josh Richards (
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 20:04:03 -0800 (PST)

On 19 Nov 1998, Patrick Muldoon wrote:

> we have a user that uses the terminal that comes with Win3.11 to connect to
> one of our pm3's. This used to work before we upgraded to 3.8. Now nobody
> can access our Unix box this way. After the login prompt, they get
> disconnected. Anybody else seen this happen?

How are you doing the shell logins? Do you use prefix/suffixes in RADIUS
to determine non-PPP users? Are you using a menu? rlogin/telnet? Etc.


Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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