Re: (PM) Frequently Asked Questions

I don't work for Lucent RABU (
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 16:39:11 -1000 (HST)

On Thu, 19 Nov 1998, Bud Bennett wrote:

> I've noticed lots of messages floating around that say,
> "For the millonth time, I won't answer this question because I've answered
> it too many times.. Go look it up in the archives!"

I'm crossing this to portmaster-radius as it's appropriate to both.

> Stupid question, but why doesn't someone set up a webpage with a FAQ that
> would be applicable to this list? Rather than having "newbies" forced to
> search through archives with subject headers that won't be helpfull, say
> instead "Did you look at"

Bud, I am? BUT it's a LOT of work and there are a MANY little things that
can be put in. As I've noted I have over 2000, it's up to 2300 or so
saved messages from users/radius mail lists with a few support responses.
That is quite a bit of crap to wade through.

Also there is the tech notes available on the LRABU site, which, even when
people are referred to, they don't seem to know what to look at. OR even
the quick search, which I use most often, and usually get a hit within the
top 5 hits.

> I'd do it myself, but only the veterns on this list know what all the
> questions that are repeatedly asked are. I'm still a little bit of a
> newbie. :)

Hey, step right up! 8) I can give you my saved messages ;) It's about
8MB to parse through hehe...

> The lucent site in itself is quite usefull, but it seems that a lot of
> people simply don't use it. IMO, it's so much handier to go to an URL that
> has everything in one spot with all the information you need.

I agree, but there are MANY issues that are cross device PM2 vs PM3 and
many that are specific to say a ComOS...

> I called Lucent Tech Support one night when I had a PM2 that wouldn't boot.
> They said, "Goto" (Well, it was
> some URL I don't remember anymore.)
> I learned how to netboot a portmaster via an URL rather than having a tech
> guide me through the process.. I'm quite glad he did it to. It saved both
> of us a lot of time and effort.
> Wouldn't it be so much easier just to point everyone to an URL?

Well, I think support has a cheat sheet of these. Me, I try to remember
the key words and search if/when I do have a question.

BTW, you did note that I have a site with minimal information that if some
newbies would quickly look over might help ;)


In all, you bring up some good points. The reality is that TOO MANY don't
want to expend the effort. Heck look at the compiling RADIUS 2.0.1 on
BSDi 2.1 ... One lil 'g' and it won't work, but it's something that
doesn't come up often and a lil elbow grease is all it takes to figure it

I'll really try to get some information in some kind of FAQ form soon and
list it at least once a month and if anyone else would like to contribute
I'd appreciate it!

Aloha from Paradise,


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