(PM) Loopback on T1 Internet connection

Fraser Campbell (fraser@greynet.net)
Sun, 8 Nov 1998 17:02:38 -0500 (EST)

This question is only peripherally related to the Portmaster product so
my apologies if you feel it is off topic -- please email privately if you

Someone I know is being charged for a loopback on his Internet feed (a T1
connection to his PM2eR). People at the ISP in question are unable to
answer even what the loopback does or is for but there is an exorbitant
amount of money being tacked onto the monthly bill under the term

Can anyone tell me what the loopback's purpose would be, if it exists at
all? This is a full time Internet connection and from what I understand
of loopbacks, they would only be in use for short periods during testing.
Am I wrong? Is it right to be charged for the "loopback"?


* Fraser M. Campbell - available for employment *
* Email: fraser@greynet.net Phone: (519) 364-6115 *
* http://www.greynet.net/fraser/ *

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