(PM) Re: (RADIUS) Authentication Database

Mark O'Leary (Mark.O'Leary@nessie.mcc.ac.uk)
Fri, 31 Jul 1998 10:08:02 +0100 (BST)

Jake Messinger wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, Don Lashier wrote:
> > Radius ABM is *vaporware* at this point. It can't do sh*t if
> > you can't buy it. I though LE's policy was to not promote
> > stuff until it is available. I've been suckered down the path
> Well then they should have stopped selling the PM 4 before they actually
> had any to ship. Point being, Livingston DOES promote stuff that is not
> there yet.

What is it with this list that *everything* is a cause for complaint these

Personally, If I'd requested a solution to a problem and Lucent advised me
that they couldn't provide an answer (leaving me to try and solve it with
third-party products and homebrewed scripts that just about did the job),
only to then produce a polished product that answered my needs completely
within weeks, I'd be screaming blue murder that they hadn't told me about
the forthcoming product and given me the option of waiting for it. So, I
hope that RadiusABM will continue to be mentioned to people designing
setups. Yet apparently for some people here, just mentioning a solution that
is obviously in the final stages of production becomes another stick to beat
Lucent with.

Perhaps the "vapourware" FAQ for this list needs to explain this point
alongside the entry that tries to explain what "beta" means...


  Mark O'Leary,              |   Voice: +44 (0161) 2756110
  Network Support Officer,   |   Email: Mark.O'Leary@mcc.ac.uk
  Manchester Computing, UK   |      or: mark@mcc.ac.uk
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