Re: (PM) Retrain problems...

Josh Richards (
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 13:18:05 -0700 (PDT)

On 24 Jul 1998, Eric Calvert wrote:

> PM-3, ComOS 3.8b15.
> Customer setup:
> 56KFlex modem with init string +MS=,,33600,42000
> Problem:
> Customer could connect but was getting disconnected
> almost immediately. I had her login while I watched
> on PMVision. It showed a 44K connect and retrained
> four times in about 7-8 minutes. It would "waffle"
> between 44K and 42K. Then, she was abruptly
> disconnected. I had her add the +MS init string shown
> above. She now connects at 42K and seems to stay
> connected, but is still getting a retrain about every
> 2 minutes. Also, after every retrain, she is still
> at 42K. She may not have the absolute latest modem
> code, but I'm pretty sure it's version 1.009 or above.
> Question:
> Do I simply need to lower her receive rate some more,
> or is there something else I should be looking at?

The retrains could be caused simply as a result of the conditions of her
phone line, the firmware of her modem, the ComOS release, etc. How are
you other users doing? What brand/modem modem is this? Can you take
another modem (different brand/modem but still K56Flex) to her location
and see if the same thing occurs? Most likely if this is isolated to just
her and not any of your other customers, then it may just be her line in
which case I would say yes--your best bet is to have her start tweaking
her receive rates a bit more or disable K56Flex completely on her modem.


Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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