Re: (PM) [ Re: [E108385] Adtran 2nd channel reconnect problem]

Christopher Masto (
Tue, 28 Jul 1998 18:37:02 -0400

On Tue, Jul 28, 1998 at 02:34:02PM -0700, Jon Rust wrote:
> The problem here sounds suspiciously like the problem I've reported using
> Ascend Pipes. The bottom line (in my situation) was that BACP is broken
> in it's current state on the PM3. A 2 channel connection will come up
> fine, but if the second channel is dropped for any reason the dialing,
> BACP-enabled router will NOT be able to reconnect it. Of course this is a
> beta, so you can't really complain... nevermind it's been in beta for
> months and months with no end in sight.

I don't think the Adtran uses BACP. Maybe.

Anyway, it's always difficult to fully communicate one's state of mind
by citing a specific bit of e-mail. It's the straw that broke the
server rack, as it were. One incident doesn't do it. The trail of
tears starts back in November of last year with E102459, a pretty
clear indication of a straightforward PPP negotiation bug, and goes
on from there.

If this tech's reply had been just a little more coherent, it wouldn't
have set me off on an "oh no, not again".

Christopher Masto        Director of Operations      NetMonger Communications

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