Re: (PM) [ Re: [E108385] Adtran 2nd channel reconnect problem]

Thomas C Kinnen (
Tue, 28 Jul 1998 14:56:18 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 28 Jul 1998, Christopher Masto wrote:

> >He has called Adtran and apparently they told him that it's the ISP's
> >fault; according to the diagnostic information they asked him to
> >connect, we're hanging up on them. They say that it will only try to
> >reestablish the connection once, so when this happens he has to
> >disconnect to get the second channel back.
> command>set console
> Command>set debug isdn on
> Commnad>set debug 0x51
> And dial the line in question.
> -Please let me know

What was suggested was the correct next step for collecting information
needed to resolve the problem. Since Adtran said we were hangin up this
debug info should help explain why, if the PM3 is actually hanging up. The
0x51 would help show if it was a PPP problem and the isdn on should help
show if it was a call problem.


Thomas C Kinnen - <> <>
[Test Engineer - Radius ABM] - LUCENT Technologies RABU
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