Re: (PM) [ Re: [E108385] Adtran 2nd channel reconnect problem]

Josh Richards (
Tue, 28 Jul 1998 13:51:05 -0700 (PDT)

On 28 Jul 1998, Christopher Masto wrote:
> Forget the double spacing. I just wish that the people answering
> support mail had a clue. Perhaps I wasn't perfectly clear and didn't
> spell out that a customer dialing into us has MLPPP 2-channel ISDN,
> makes a phone call on the POTS port of his TA (intentionally dropping
> one of the channels), and occasionally it isn't reestablished when he's
> done with the POTS call. But these people MAKE THE FRICKIN' BOX.
> It's not just this. It's also the time it took half a dozen
> back-and-forth e-mails to get across the fact that DOVBS doesn't work
> with a PM3 and a USR Courier I-Modem, despite what it says on
> Livingston's web site, and when I asked them if they could just _try_ it
> in their lab, I got back "sorry, we can't do that".
> I'm in a really lousy mood now. It's a very expensive product. It's a
> very important product. And it's fast becoming a product product with a
> hideously out-of-date, buggy, unsupported software base. My original
> response to this message was "Are you on crack?! Please reassign this
> ticket to someone who can read.". Then I took a short walk (with all
> the customers calling to ask why their v.90, DOVBS, etc. doesn't work, I
> don't have time for a long walk) and decided not to send that. I just
> don't know what to do anymore; I'm sure there are others out there who
> are as frustrated with this company as I am. I hope we don't all have a
> collective aneurism from it.

I don't see the problem with his answer. If it is a MP connection then
the PPP debug output (0x51) and the ISDN debug output is obviously most
relevant to tracking down what is going on. I don't see how saying that
it is an MP connection, where you are dropping a channel and bringing it
back up somehow cancels out the need for us to see the the debugging
output from the PM. Yes, we do make the box--that is why we need to see
OUR *own* debugging output--obviously that is the most useful and readable
output from our standpoint.

As for the I-modem issue, I'm not sure why someone would have told you
that--I'd ask for their manager. Where on the web site are you referring
too, BTW?


Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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