Re: (PM) Still dont see network neighborhood

John Gonzalez/netMDC admin (
Sun, 26 Jul 1998 12:42:43 -0600 (MDT)

On Sun, 26 Jul 1998, Jake Messinger wrote:

|| Okay I set nbns to my win NT server on the portmaster, I told my remote
|| machine to LOG ON TO NETWORK, I enabbled netbeui over ip, but I STILL dont
|| see anything in network neighborhood. I CAN go to dos and do a net use
|| command to map the network drives on the local network and that WORKS, but
|| Im just not seeing anything in network neighborhood. What else do I need
|| to do?

I've seen this bug just setting up systems on the LAN, and I have found
two fixes.. rather, work arounds, not fixes.

1. Sometimes you have to do a (Shutdown) and log on as a different user
and create a totally new username (ie when you first boot win95 and it
asks for a username/password) that you have never used before. Sometimes
this prevents you from seeing anything in network neighborhood, dont ask
me why.

2. Sometimes you cant SEE a system, even though it's there. If you right
click on my computer, and hit explore. The windows explorer will come up
instead of the standard navigator. Go to tools, find computer, and type in
the computer name and see if THAT Locates it.

_ __ _____ __ _________
______________ /_______ ___ ____ /______ John Gonzalez/Net.Engineer
__ __ \ __ \ __/_ __ `__ \/ __ /_ ___/ MDC Computers/netMDC!
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