Re: (PM) Losing an ISDN 128k customer to GTE

Tom (
Sat, 25 Jul 1998 10:19:11 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 24 Jul 1998, David Fisher wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently signup a customer to 128k ISDN, he has a 3com
> ISDN modem, not sure the exact model, he is getting about 11k/sec.
> He tried the service with GTE the other day, and he gets 16k/sec,

16KB/s is the theortical max for an ISDN line (128 / 8 = 16), and you
should be able to do a steady 15.5KB/s all the time (user probably rounded

> GTE claims it is due to their T3 line. But he was ftping from our
> local UNIX box, which is connected to our LAN, so it doesn't go
> through our T1.
> Unless I can figure out how to get his k/sec up, I will lose him to
> GTE, since the pricing is competitive. He is connecting at 128k according
> to our records, but I am thinking that GTE, which uses Ascends, support
> a compression that my Livingston PM3's do not.
> What does everyone else get k/sec wise, those not using the STAC
> compression, which I do have installed, but I believe it only works with
> the Livingston Office Router. I am using ComOS v3.8b17.

I get 15KB/s without STAC, a bit more with STAC depending on the file
transferred. I've done this with an OR-U and a 3COM Impact II.

Also, make sure the user isn't connection with V.120. over ISDN. That
will really hurt performance (11KB/s is typcial for V.120 actually). It
is very easy to use V120 without realizing it. Remember, you can't use
login scripts at all if you want to connect synchronously (non V120).

> Any help in this matter would be appreciative,
> -dave
> ------
> David Fisher, Owner/Administrator Skagit 360-428-3720
> Fidalgo Networking, Internet Services Whatcom 360-708-9296
> 1725 Continental Place, Suite B San Juan 360-378-7671
> Mount Vernon, Washington 98273-5640 Fax 360 416-0471


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