Re: (PM) Two weeks later, and still no working ComOS

Patrick Kormann (
Sat, 25 Jul 1998 11:26:05 +0200


Well, if production code (3.7.2c3) doesn't give you stable modem connets,
you're somewhat forced to try the betas as well, right?
I think the attitude of livingston is somewhat strange... 'well, we can't
give a date when xxx will ready because only after all tests.. blabla'..
and then they bring out something like b17 wich seems at least 'severely
broken'. I think there should have been some fixes after hours... it
couldn't work any bader that before!

At 19:37 22.07.98 -0400, you wrote:
>On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Jake Messinger wrote:
>> On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Chris Conn wrote:
>> > Hello to all,
>> >=20
>> I disagree. I think complaining about it is a good idea. This list is
>> monitored by Livingston employees. In order to use the WAN card which is
>> CURRENTLY being sold, you MUST be using 3.8, which is ONLY in beta. This
>> is a PROBLEM. Forget the v.90 stuff for now...
>> They are FORCED to use a Beta.
>That's funny, I don't recall seeing that information in this list in the
>recent posts. I agree that in this case it is a valid point, however the
>vast majority of what we see is whining about V.90 support and crashes
>that don't occur on the 3.7 series of ComOSs. I must have deleted the
>valid information amongst a flurry of childish blame-throwing. I am
>attempting to redeem this list by asking its contributors to post
>informational and constructive comments.
>Chris Conn
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Mit freundlichen Gr=FCssen

Patrick Kormann
DataComm (Schweiz) AG
Projektleiter Technik=20

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