(PM) Reboots

Bud Bennett (bennetb@mail.cadvision.com)
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 09:36:18 -0600

Jason Xu said:

>Will a reboot solve it? It would be a pain if we have to
>reboot it.

I don't think that it's a matter of wether or not you have to reboot the
portmaster. It's how OFTEN you have to reboot the portmaster.

I'm nowhere near an expert in these things, but I've found that if you have
a situation where the box will start working again for a while after you
power cycle it, then it stops working, requiring another power cycle, in
which it starts working again, then stops again a while later, there may be
a hardware problem with the box, conflicting settings or perhaps the
firmware code needs to be refreshed and/or upgraded. (Yes, I've had that
happen to me. An upgrade fixed it.)

One of our Portmaster 3's had a bizzare problem with extremely slow
throughput on the ether0 interface. It was running ComOS 3.7.2 at the time.
Nothing appeared to be amiss otherwise. A hard power cycle fixed the
problem and it hasn't come back since. An electrical glitch, a bit of
static and other such things can cause bizzare things to happen. Perhaps
that's what happened, or perhaps it was corrupted firmware in the memory..
I'm not sure. That's why I'm not an expert, but I'll get there. :)

Now, I do realize that power-cycling may not be an option for some people
who administer chassis's remotely, but there are devices out there that can
remotely control the power that goes to anything you want via TCP/IP,
enabling you to actually do the equivalent of flipping the power switch

(Yes, I'd buy these if I had multiple POP's scattered across the country.)

Anyway, Good luck Jason. I'd like to know if that fixed your problem or
not, out of curiousity sake.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bud Bennett CADVision Development Corporation bennetb@cadvision.com Suite 1810, 300 5th Avenue S.W. Technical Operations, Modem Technologist Calgary, AB T2P 3C4 Phone:(403)777-1300 Fax:(403)777-1319 CADVision Homepage: http://www.cadvision.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - To unsubscribe, email 'majordomo@livingston.com' with 'unsubscribe portmaster-users' in the body of the message. Searchable list archive: <URL:http://www.livingston.com/Tech/archive/>