Re: (PM) Something very strange...

Frank Heinzius (
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 09:58:59 +0200


On 23 Jul 98, at 23:54, Patrick Kormann wrote:

> Hi!
> I've just found something very strange (at least:to me!)
> Freiburg-1> show line0
> ---------------------- line0 - E1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------
> Status: UP F1 Framing: CRC4 Encoding: HDB3 PCM: a-law
> Violations
> -----------------------------
> Bipolar 0
> CRC4 0
> E-bit 0
> FAS bit 0

Perfect. Physically (Layer 1), your PRI connection is good. Cabling and TX/RX are not
accidentally swapped ;-)

> Freiburg-1> show s0
> --------------------- Current Status - ISDN Port S0 ------------------------
> Status: NO-SERVICE

Itīs always better to set the directory number to 0 instead of letting it undefined. I
discovered temporary failures during the ComOS version progress from 3.5 to 3.8b17 ;-)

> D Ports State Change Start Up Down Time Sess In Out Err
> -- ------- --------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------- -------
> ----
> 0 Initial 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 0
> D-Channel seems not to come up...
> set debug isdn-max shows no output at all...

Looks like an Telco issue. If you want to debug the D-channel, please use "set deb isdn-
d". Isdn-max shows you some internal debug information only Livingston engineers
understand (and even not them every time, AFAIK ;-)))

If your PRI connection works, you should see keepalive packets on the D-channel. They are
part of the Layer 2 protocol of the D channel and are shown with debug isdn-d. They
appear periodically, with NET5 (EURO-ISDN) e.g. every 5 seconds and should look like this:

D0: send 00 01 01 b9
D0: recv 00 01 01 0b

They really mean:

Send to D-Cannel : 00 01 01 B9
Layer 2
$00=00000000: Octet 2
000000 : SAPI = Signaling
0 : Command/Respond = Command (Respond if Networkside)
0: Address field extension = Octet follows
$01=00000001: Octet 3
0000000 : TEI = PABX / NStAnl
1: Address field extension = End of Addressfield
$01=00000001: Octet 3
01: Supervisory-Frame
000000 : receive ready
$B9=10111001: Octet 5
1011100 : receive number 1
1: Poll/Final =

Received from D-Cannel: 00 01 01 0B
Layer 2
$00=00000000: Octet 2
000000 : SAPI = Signaling
0 : Command/Respond = Command (Respond if Networkside)
0: Address field extension = Octet follows
$01=00000001: Octet 3
0000000 : TEI = PABX / NStAnl
1: Address field extension = End of Addressfield
$01=00000001: Octet 3
01: Supervisory-Frame
000000 : receive ready
$0B=00001011: Octet 5
0000101 : receive number 1
1: Poll/Final =

If you donīt see those supervisory frames, Layer 2 of the D channel is broken. Call the
Telco with the above information. They should easily fix this problem.

Kind Regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Frank M. Heinzius              MMS Communication AG            Eiffestrasse 598              20537 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 211105-0         Fax: +49 40 210 32 210
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