(PM) MZ flames a git

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 18:27:47 -0700 (PDT)

This is a flame. He asked for it, and it would be impolite not to give it
to him. If you don't like flames, don't read this. Simple.

Last chance...

Once upon a time Charlie Pauch shaped the electrons to say...
>> Once upon a time John Lange shaped the electrons to say...
>> >I think that if Liv/Lucent quit working on glitsy java apps & new websites,
>> >they could get the code out faster...
>> This is sarcasm, right? Because I refuse to believe this is a serious
>> comment...
>I don't understand why you don't think this is serious. They waste our
>time and money working on websites when they could be making code that

Ok - you asked for it...

What flavor MORON are you? You must be used to a one person shop where
one person is codered, builder, webmaster, CEO, receptionist, and bottle
washer. Do you believe, for even a split second, that anyone on the web
team has ANYTHING to do with ComOS?

Just to set the record straight - they don't. The people working on the
website work on the websites (they have an intranet to maintain too). So
anyone who thinks that building a new website has an iota of impact on
the ComOS is in serious need of a wake up call.

>works. I would rather have a website without all the hoopla that just
>gave me the answers quickly and in simple format. I would also like code

Fine - problem is people DO judge a book by its cover. The first site I
created for Livingston was functional, but butt ugly. And we heard about
it. It looked bad next to Ascend, or Cisco, etc. And you know, there are
a lot of people buying a LOT of product who are NOT geeks. They see a plain
site and they think "Fly by night - can't even afford to do a decent website."
You know, I was poking around the new site - seems to me all of the content
is there, more than ever actually. And the overall organization is
recognizable. Really it was only a cosmetic change, and I don't have any
trouble getting around in Lynx now. Last night I tested it in NS 2.02,
3.04, 4.04 (and 4.05 a work). I tested it in Lynx 2.5/6/7/8/8.1beta too.
It works, I was able to find everthing, the linking structure was easy to

So, if you don't like a site with graphics, JavaScript, etc. YOU CAN
DAMN WELL USE LYNX! Then you can have your nice little text-only interface.

And as to the Java apps point. There are engineers who work on ComOS - and
there are engineers who work on other things. Engineers are NOT
interchangable modules. They have people who have been working on PMConsole
and the like for a long time (like Andy) as well as newer people added to
the GUI group to further develop PMVision and PMTools. Those folks aren't
involved in ComOS. All software engineers are not the same - some write
device drivers, some write DSP code, some write user applications. The
people working on the management utilities work on those, and NOT ComOS.
So, again, what they've done doesn't impact ComOS significantly. Yes, it
means the interface code in ComOS may be impacted. That's why they have
their own source tree to work with while in development, until it is
finalized and they roll it into the full build.

I really would have thought this to be screamingly obvious.

>that works without reboots, hung modems, or anything else going wrong in a
>span of less than 9 months. I don't find that too unreasonable. After

I do. Since I've never seen a release with *nothing* wrong on ANY
computerized device I've *ever* used. Sorry, code is written by humans and
humans are not perfect. Which is what risk management is about - you'd
better believe the code that flies your B777 has bugs, the idea is making
sure they don't kill someone.

Every release of ComOS has had something that bugged someone. And I firmly
believe that every future release will too. That's life, and to expect
otherwise is to be unrealistic. But overall ComOS has a better track
record, IMHO, than the competition. If you don't think so, why aren't
you using the competition?

>should get a reliable OS, decent tech support 24 hours a day at minimal or
>no cost (a yearly contract of $300-$500 would make sense), and an

Find me a vendor who charges that low a yearly support rate for 7x24
support on a product in the same range as a PM-3. Hint, don't bother
looking at Ascend, Cisco, or 3Com - because you sure as hell won't find it
there. I don't think you have realistic desires here.

The only think more insane are the freaks on usr-tc who think 3Com should
give away the source to their OS to public license. Like that's going to

>application that will consistently upgrade the OS for portmasters remotely
>(PMConsole crashes at least once per upgrade of our ISP causing us to go
>to a location at considerable cost). Is this too much to ask???

First you whine about the people working on the new management tools,
then you whine that you want a new one to fix the slew of problems in
PMConsole. Make up your mind, and see a doctor about your rectal-cranial
inversion. THAT IS WHAT PMVISION IS ABOUT! PMConsole has a *number* of
short comings, it has for a long time. Instead of flogging a dead horse
they started with a clean sheet of paper and created something far better.

>Puzzled by Livingston,

Puzzled by your thought (I'm being gracious using that word) patterns.


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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