Re: (PM) New website

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Thu, 23 Jul 98 11:14:47 -0000

Don Lashier said on 7/22/98 7:55 AM

>On 7/21/98, at 9:33 PM, I don't work for Lucent RABU wrote:
>>I'm putting out a call for people to e-mail me on whether they
>>do [ ]
>>do not [ x]
>>like Lucent RABUs new site
>>and other commentaries...
>It's totally hosed under Explorer 3.02, text overwrites itself
>and all sorts of stuff. Works ok in NS4, but I think the new
>site is butt-ugly. And why do they need all that java code
>anyway, java is for the server side - client side java is passe -
>plus a lot of people have it turned off or use browsers that
>don't support it, or where it's broken, like with Explorer.

Maybe the clear message here is to use a "Real" Browser, like Netscape.
If so many people are having trouble veiwing the site with IE, then it
looks to me like an IE problem.

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