(PM) Dial Out (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:23:12 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Steve Fogelson shaped the electrons to say...
>I want to use s17 thru s19 on a PM2 (connected to USR MP/8) for network
>dialout using a COM port redirector called DialOut/IP.


>DialOut/IP is looking for a network address and port for each Com port
>you set up. I'd like to only setup one com port at the ws that would

What is 'ws'? Workstation I'll assume.

>access the pool of 3 modems (which ever is available at the time).

Ok - so you put all of the serial ports on the same TCP port.

>Do I tell DialOut/IP that the ip address is the ether port of our PM2 or
>do I have to assign an ip address to each (s17-s19) asyn port?

Neither. You set the port to be a device or twoway port, and set the
service_device to be telnet with a socket, say 6001. Set ALL of the ports
the same socket.

Then you give DialOut/IP the IP of the PM WITH that socket.

>Do I assign the 3 asyn ports the same port number (6001)?


>DialOut/IP also lets you "Use Telnet Protocol". Should I do this?

I believe so - What are the other options?

>Which Device and Login service should I use "telnet" or "netdata"?

I haven't used DialOut/IP, but I used the program that came before (which
became DialOut/IP basically) and that one relied on telnet. If you pick
Telnet in DialOut/IP, use the same on the port.

>Should I use the group command?

'group' only applies to location table dialouts.


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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